Set your alarm at 08.00am
No social media
Open all the windows
Drink a glass of hot lemon water
Make the bed with fresh linen for the upcoming week
Do Yoga or go for a long walk before breakfast
Take a long shower and moisturize your entire body
Put on clean, comfy clothes
Eat your favorite breakfast
Do something creative of your choice (paint, write, sing, dance)
Buy yourself something - flowers or a designer bag (we won't judge you)
Eat a freshly homemade salad for lunch
Clean your apartment thoroughly
Listen to a inspiring podcast while walking by the water/in the forest
Research a new vegan/vegetarian recipe that you can make for dinner
Go food shopping for the upcoming week and your dinner
Prepare lunch, outfit and schedule for the ultimate stress-free Monday morning
Watch a documentary
Meditate before going to bed
Lights out by 21.30pm
Thank you for reading 💎