Summer Inspiration – Wingårdh Wellness
Lisa Wingårdh teaches yoga through her business Wingårdh Wellness. Lisa is 27 years old and was born in Gotland but moved to Stockholm at the age of 15 where she currently runs her company. She has a great interest in traveling (she has been in 34 countries) and of course for yoga, meditation and spirituality.
The beginning of Wingårdh Wellness
I worked in finance for five years and been promoted several times, earning more and more but only feeling worse and worse. Finally, I asked myself: what did I really dream of doing when I took the student and didn't care so much about money or society's expectations? Then I heard my inner voice reminding me that I dreamed of traveling the world and helping people through yoga. So then I chose to start my own business and start working on what I love — yoga. I am driven by helping other people and spreading the beautiful philosophy and knowledge that yoga has.
Wingårdh Wellness Today
I'm now a certified Yoga Teacher and my business is currently run only through assignments. I have classes online, workshops, retreats and trips, yoga events, corporate yoga and some classes in a yoga studio in Stockholm. The goal with my business is to help people find their way back to themselves, get a break in life to listen to their non voice. I want to spread the philosophy and love of yoga.
Lisa - The entrepreneur and CEO
I see myself as both entrepreneur and CEO. CEO for sharing the philosophy of yoga that has existed for thousands of years but entrepreneur for doing it with my own style and in a very modern way with new eyes.
The Importance of Prioritising
I wouldn't say I needed to "sacrifice" something at the beginning of my business trip because it didn't feel like sacrifice, more a choice to prioritise. Leaving my full-time job was a must for me, many people suggested working out and having yoga aside, but I know it never worked for me. I didn't have a drop of energy left after a whole day at my old job and needed all my time to start my own business. I have prioritised many changes in my life, stopped drinking alcohol to have the time and energy to practice my own yoga, create yoga workshops or be able to accept a job. I have prioritised my sleep to be more efficient so that I sleep 21.30-06.00 every day which means that I am not out and meeting friends as much in the evenings, but we brunch, go for a coffee or have a lunch instead.
Consequences of Being a Entrepreneur
The hardest thing was to take the step of resigning and have the courage to follow my dream. To be honest, it took around six months from the idea being born to the fact that I actually chose to do it. I think we all have so many limitations that we paint as big problems, when everything really solves. Especially if it is your dream and you want it enough. The hardest thing was probably to resign from his full-time job and tell it to all colleagues, friends and acquaintances. I thought they would question why, how, where and when but the most fun thing was that my colleagues, managers and friends were so supportive! If I am to be honest, it has not been so "hard", because I have gone from working with something that took extremely much energy from me to now working on what I really love!
The only thing I would change is that I wish I had done this sooner. I have always been very driven and have been told a lot about my job as an employee. I wish I had dared to follow my dream earlier and not spent so many years in the financial world with all the stress and heat about money. The best thing about running your own is that you have to choose for yourself which ones you want to work with. Instead of feeling drained after a day at work, you instead get the energy of working with what you love.
Lisa's Recommendations To Others
In the beginning I googled every question I had and got answers to all the practical questions. How to create a website? How to post? What is F-tax? How to invoice? Put in the time it takes for you to do research on how it works as your own employee, everything is online which is so grateful.
Don't be afraid, you can do more than you think!
Be proud but not too proud, you may need to lower your expectations in the beginning to gain experience and contacts.
Invest your time in people, you never know what it might lead to.
Promote yourself, you post too much on social media but you never know what it might lead to.