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Uppdaterat: 16 okt. 2020

Namaste Beautiful Souls, A year that have felt like 10 years. A year filled with new people I now don’t know how I could have lived without. My first year with starting everyday with Meditation. My year of over 100hours personal Yoga practise and 300hour Yoga Teacher Training. My first year without watching TV. My first year of not following the news or the media. My first year without Alcohol. My first year with my own business and being self-employed. My first year as my true self.

I had thought about stop drinking alcohol for so long so I'm actually surprised how long it took before I finally stopped drinking. The reasons why I wanted to stop are many and when they finally became more than the reasons why to drink, it was easy to stop.

The Reasons Why I Wanted to Stop Drinking

  • I couldn't sleep when I drank, I could sleep maybe 4-5 hours so the day after for me was like a terrible hangover and the feeling of 4 hours sleep. If I drank on the Friday night, my whole weekend was ruined. You can read more about Alcohol & Sleep here.

  • The money I spent on Alcohol vs. the money I spend on my dreams in life. Alcohol is so expensive and we all know how much a night out can cost, I realised that I had no problem spending thousands of money a month on Alcohol but when I came to my dream travels or dream Yoga retreats/education, I was hesitating spending half of what I could spend on a night out.

  • The time spent on drinking and recovering from drinking. I realised how much time I spent going out and all the time spent on the sofa the day after to recover. I began to think, what if I spent all that time on a business, practising a new skill or studying something. I love writing for example but I never found the time, when I'm writing this it's Sunday morning and I've been writing for 2 hours, this would never have happened unless I stopped drinking.

  • My health and my body. Alcohol is completely free from nutrition and highly toxifying, which almost makes me laugh when I think back to how healthy I've been and how much I've been working out while I was drinking the most. When I started practising Yoga seriously and decided to become a Teacher, the decision was easy for me. We practise Yoga to detoxify the body, mind and soul. Why would I spend 300h and more practising Yoga and then ruin it by drinking alcohol?

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol - The Easy Way

  • You don't set a time line for it or say I'm never drinking again. The mind can only handle things we promise ourselves for 7 days, maximum. So if you want to change a habit, start by saying, I won't do this for 7 days straight, then add another 7 days, then keep doing that until it's been 40 days, then you've created a habit. However, I recommend to not set any time for it, don't say I'm never drinking again - it will only make it harder.

  • You don't explain yourself in the beginning. It's hard enough trying to attend dinners, parties or seeing you friends without drinking. Just bring some non alcoholic wine or say no thank you - I'm driving, I have to get up early, I am on some medications... Find easy excuses in the beginning unless you feel comfortable saying the real reason - that's very strong of you!

  • Find out what motivates you, is it the money? Write down exactly how much you're saving. Is it the hours sleep you're getting? Write them down. Is it the health benefits? Track them down.

  • Give yourself rewards, treat yourself on the way and celebrate your progress. It will keep you motivated and help you see how far you've got.


✨Sometimes we need to hit our lowest point so that we open up to our greatest change.✨


Namaste 🙏🏼

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Uppdaterat: 27 maj 2020

Last year when I stopped watching TV and started Meditating in the morning, my whole life changed in ways I didn’t know was possible. I started with 5min, then 10min, then 20min and at the end of the year 30min. I felt happier than I’ve felt in years, I felt calmer than I’ve ever felt and I felt like nothing could get to me. I stopped trying to control things that I can’t control. I stopped caring about issues or problems in the world that I can’t control. I started appreciating the small things in life. I started to see that I could create anything that I wanted into my life.

How To Change Your Life With Daily Meditation

Start with 5 minutes. I started with 5, then 10, then 15, 20 and today I Meditate for 30 minutes every morning. You don't have to start with 30 minutes though, start where you're at. If you only can take 4 minutes out of your day, take 4. I have a 4 minutes guided Meditation on my Instagram and YouTube that you can start with.

No judgement. Don't expect or give up if your mind isn't clear or if you move during Meditation the first few times. This happens to all of us in the beginning but it's a practise so don't expect to be a pro the first few times.

Find your way. Maybe it's to sit in silence on a Meditation cushion with candles. Maybe it's in the forrest listening to the birds and feeling the air on your skin. Maybe it's listening to Meditation music in your bed. What I mean is that there's no specific way to Meditate, so forget about all ideas about what's right and what's wrong with Meditation.

Then the magic started to happen, I started seeing the light of the stars. The stars that are there to guide us if we only look up in the sky. I will write another post about what happened to me when I meditated everyday for 9 months.

I have started to post some guided meditations on my Instagram and Youtube if you're interested in trying my Guided Meditation.

Namaste 🙏🏼

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Skribentens bildLisa Wingårdh

Namaste Beautiful Souls 🙏🏼

When we are born, we are given a birth name by our parents. A name we are usually given before our parents have met us, a name that they like or many say "she looked like a Lisa", but not necessary a name that matches our souls. When we get a spiritual name, it’s given to us by our Guru and it matches our souls. What we carry, what you can bring into the world. The name then become our Guru Mantra, a mantra and a name we repeat to remind ourselves of your Guru and what you can bring to this world.

When I arrived in my AshramI couldn’t pronounce half of the names of the new people I’ve met, and I’m bad at remembering “normal” names. Radheshyam, Prikashni and many more beautiful, different names. It took a couple of weeks until I realised that they were spiritual names. Radheshyam’s birth name was Michael and Prikashni’s birth name was Abbey. They explained to me that Vishva-ji, our Guru, sometimes gets a downloaded spiritual name from the Universe, usually this happens in a dream. The last week in the Ashram, I had a dream where I asked if Guru-ji wanted to give me my spiritual name. In the dream, he answered “I would love to”. The following day when I told him about it, he said “Yes, your spiritual name came to me a couple of days ago and you will get your name on the 25th of March”.

I didn’t know why I was going to receive it on the 25th of March but wen the day arrived I was speechless. In some parts of India, Rishikesh included, the 25th of March is like New Years. It really felt like a rebirth and a new beginning. In the morning at our Fire Puja Ritual, I got my beautiful spiritual name. My Spiritual name is Santoshi Jot - Light of contentment. Vishva-ji had written a card with my name and next to my name it said “Share this illumination with the world.”.

If you have studied the wisdom of Yoga you are probably familiar with the Niyamas, Patanjali’s eight limbs of Yoga, where Santosha means Contentment. Santoshi is the goddess form of this Niyama, the goddess of contentment.

“Santoshi is referred as the goddess of satisfaction. She is the daughter of Lord Ganesh. She accepts all the sorrows, problems and ill fate of all her devotees and blesses them with prosperity and happiness. She is treated as the most calm, soft, pure and kind form of Goddess Durga. She is sitting on lotus which signifies that even in this world which is full of selfishness, rudeness and corruption goddess of satisfaction is still present in her devotee’s hearts. She resides on the lotus which is blossoming in the sea filled with milk which is a symbol of her purity signifying that where there is purity of heart and dedication there we will have our mother of satisfaction.

As it’s a general saying that if we will eat sweet things then our words will be as sweet as sugar, in the same manner Santoshi refrains all the sour things and symbolizes her devotes that by avoiding the sour things which are wrongs acts they can achieve the complete purity, happiness and satisfaction in their hearts. Santoshi is the most beautiful and lovable goddess who is always ready for blessing her followers and looking at her statue all the devotees forget their problems and feel as if they are lost in her beauty and calmness. Santoshi is worshiped on Friday and it is believed that people get all their wishes fulfilled by worshipping Goddess Santoshi by keeping 16 consecutive fasts and following the strict rule of refraining from all the sour eatables. So let’s always keep dedicating her efforts in her feet and she will always take us to the paths of complete solace as being our mother she knows what is best for us.”

Thank you for reading 💗


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